
goldfish fishing

The first time I got confused carp fishing too .... What bait? until some time I came to the fishing has never succeeded. Then I tried to ask questions with the person sitting near me and at first it's hard because the people who are fishing are usually not willing to share knowledge. The secret he says ... ... .. until finally after frequent meeting and fishing together there are also people who want to share with me because I rarely can see the fish. One of the feed ingredients that I always wear the cheese corn. Simple really ... ... but better than bait that I use for bait using this at least I never fail
The ingredients that I normally use to make this bait is:
1. Stella cheese 1 package corn
2. Kraf cheese 2 sticks
3. Paikin blue potatoes 1 packet
4. Raw duck eggs 3 eggs
5. Dancow milk powder 1 sachet
6. Kroto 1 ounce
7. Tuna in oil
8. Target / stimulator
It is not too special bait as usual passes in use by professional anglers. How to make the potion 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 in the puree them together until smooth then stir in a separate place cheese stella corn pellets with hot water then mix the two ingredients together earlier. If too many portions could be in for two. While Kroto be in the mix immediately prior to the steamed or in stir after the materials had been in the steam. steam approximately 30 minutes and after so be on target to add the hardener as needed so as not to damage the bait.
Whether or not the bait that we use when carp fishing is very influential in addition to hockey and also we live in shanties while fishing. There are even people who come early to get a good stall prior to fishing in the open. if we are frequently fishing to a place do not forget to learn the location where that became a favorite at the venue. And who would feed should also be noticed. Because although we may shanties are nice but if you are taking the bait can not support so we just bite the fingers. Good luck ...


Papuyu  fish or live in freshwater and brackish. This fish is a lot of us have encountered in the swamps and rivers. How to fish for this species is very simple because it does not use a reel and just need the string with a length of about 1 to 1.5 meters.Fishing gear in use is usually a length of between 2 to 4 meters. The best time for papuyu fishing is at the beginning of the rainy season because at this time the fish are usually just beginning to spawn. When it entered the mid-rainy season usually fish have started to incubate her eggs. Her children is what will be annoying at the time of our fishing because it is usually the parent will lose quickly with their children during foraging.The best spot for fishing fish species is the marsh and in the meetings between saltwater and freshwater or brackish water. Especially if there are nearby fish ponds are still many in tumbuhi wild algae and lotus. Hhhmmmm ... ... this is my favorite place when it's hunting papuyu fish. papuyu fish are omnivorous fish species so do not confuse the issue if we're going fishing bait fish. But the most good for fishing these fish usually use cilung or sago worm that many are sold in stores throughout Indonesia fishing. Can also use earthworms and insects as well. papuyu fishing unlike other fish because we do not have to wait long to get a strike. This fish usually lives in groups. Hence the people fishing these fish are always biased to move where the goal is to find a new one after a shoal of fish from the previous location in a sense has begun to slow. In each location we normally biased earn between one to five fish and after that it will begin to slow. The best time for fishing this fish is a morning and afternoon. Try to feel the sensation of papuyu fishing... ... when my friend told me the pull of the fish papuyu can make people so suffer a heart attack.



I want to share their experiences fishing prawns in estuaries kingpin. Currently in estuaries kingpin many fishing locations that we can try one of which is the estuary of the flag which has a depth of about 2 to 3 meters. Prawns is now a favorite of anglers who come to the mouth of the kingpin ... ... but unfortunately in this area is often affected by industrial waste that comes from the region karawang. If it is exposed to the waste we have to wait again until about a month served until the condition of water really clean and much more prawns that rises to the estuary from the sea.
Like the last time I came to the mouth of the flag for fishing prawns as a friend and it has just hit the waste water is about 3 days ago. And since it was first served until the location of the water is pretty good condition. I immediately saw the spirit so that such water conditions. But after several times trying to throw the bait has not anyone snatched. After waiting several hours due to rainy conditions so that we can not go everywhere finally we also decided to relocate and find lunch. At lunch I was chatting with the owner of the diner and it was now Seang prawns do not exist because there are only a few days of waste shipment.
For shrimp fishing rod should we use a very flexible because at mealtime usually shrimp will attract and create a curved rod. How to grab the bait between prawns and fish are very different so we must distinguish between equipment that we use to fish with fishing equipment for fishing prawns. Sometimes shrimp can also make the rod moves like a sewing machine. Do not lift the rod tight terlau can lepas.mulut shrimp because shrimp is very delicate and sensitive one shrimp so treat it gently and carefully. Bait that I use when fishing prawns are red worms worms milk or by entering the worm from the eye of the hook up to the strings. You do this by using a rather stiff string or it could also use a small wire in the wrap in half to puncture the worms from head to tail and then move by hooking the hook to the end of the string or wire that we had used to stab the worm.

Ballast is in use should be rounded with a hole in the middle or triangle is also a hole in the middle. The goal is to get a strike at the strings can move freely and the strings had to be small because labor is not as big fish shrimp. Do not use a ballast in the form of earrings because it would burden the shrimp as you pull the bait. For fishing prawns gather or use coconut fried ngebom bias. Shrimp like being in the water current is not too heavy and close to the wood at the bottom of the water. So for those of you who want to try hopefully my experience can be a little fishing prawns help you. And for those of you who have experience of fishing prawns understood this because I hope the novice angler and still have a lot to learn. If there is not complete, please in add so that we can share.



 Fishing EEL
Often we hear a lot of people who feel tingling or Jiji with eel. Eels are fish species that resemble a snake .... Eels can we find in the area of ​​rice fields and rivers. As a kid I used to love fishing eels as my friend. Because of the addictive sensation tarikanya ...
Incidentally my area is still a lot of rice fields that once inhabited by wild eels. The tool that I use is quite simple:
1. Sized barb
2. So the string is rolled along a two-meter
3. Wood bat
Not using the rod for fishing eels because eels are usually there in the holes on the edge of fields. But make no mistake ... .... Is sometimes not the eels that we encountered in the hole but the water snake. So we must be smart to recognize or distinguish between an eel and a snake pit. All I know is usually the volume of water eel holes fuller and when we enter the feed water is usually moving tides. was the same snake .... but the difference is that the snake is not too swift movement of the water like an eel hole.
Bait that I normally do not wear anything fancy .... I only use the child wear a frog or a worm. The most fun was when we met eels that are laying. Eels are like this would be very cepet grabbed the bait that we input into the hole. But it is rather difficult to see the eels are like this because the holes are usually hidden among the grass and trash. Eel like this at most we encounter on the outskirts of fish ponds in the township.
Eel very strong pull so it is not uncommon to hook my broken or fractured eye hook. So at the moment got a bolt from the eels do not immediately pull up ... .. because we can drop hooks or broken. Hold sebentarkalau tarikanya necessary follow up to the inside but do not let us relax the tarikanya because eels can escape. Perform resistance to eel limp and then we can pull it out of the hole. When out of the hole very wild eel are prepared with a bat so that we can directly jinakan eels.
Eels are very nutritious and almost all over the world people love it. Even in the Japanese eel is one of favorite foods. Good luck with the sensation of fishing eels.



Jigging is a fishing technique fishing in depth by using jigs driven vertically. While understanding Jig itself is an artificial bait is usually made of metal (tin) are shaped like fish and have a lot of color variation. The characteristics of a good jig is a jig that if we drop into the sea does not glide straight down (although weighing hundreds of grams), but moves like a bait fish that was swimming.
1. Metal Jig / Bait (Lure)
Usually tailored to the ability of rod is used, the depth of the location and strength of the current location. Color does not have much effect, most importantly easy to see / draw the attention of the target fish. The more of us should use a jig jigging a colored light (fluorescence).
2. Spinning Reel, Baitcasting
a. Spinning Reel, which have typically used a low gear ratio, it is intended that is not too heavy at the time of roll, so we will not feel tired. b. Baitcasting reel, as opposed to spinning reel. Because in general a small diameter and stalk spoolnya short handle, then used that has a high gear ratio it is intended that the movement / action bait still looks alive.
3. Braided strings (PE)
Action in order to look natural in the water, ideally the string that is used quite light and small in diameter but stronger. That's why for jigging technique is recommended to use braided strings (PE).
4. Fishing rod
There is no definitive standard regarding the length of rod that is used for jigging.Generally 50-10 feet, the longer the rod is used the better the bait action. It's just more draining stamina, especially when playing heavy feeds or Fight with stubborn fish.Whereas when we use a short rod that can save you stamina and more easily when the fish struck.
5. Leader Line
Usually diguanakan Monofilament Shock Leaders with the power of 1.5 to 2x the power play with a line of length 6-10 m. The goal is to use Line Leader:
a. Reduce the risk of breaking in the event of friction force on the rock or wall board.
b. Facilitate wireman / Crew landed the fish.
c. Reduce the conductivity which occurs when the strike
6. Swivel and Split Ring
Aiming to reduce the movement of the bait twisted when played. And also make it easier to replace bait anglers without having to cut the leader line.
7. Hook
Usually the hook is used 1 or 2 singlehook with assists on the head or hanging until the mid-body metal jigs. Assists hook size used adapted to large metal jigs, above the hook can move freely in the body does not stick to metal jigs. If you want to use the hook at the bottom you should use a circle hook that are not easily caught in the reef.
8. Gimbal / Belt Festive
9. Gloves
The use of gloves is very helpful especially during the fight with big fish or when your palms sweat. Reducing the risk of accidents due to slippery.
Jigging ACTION
Each angler is free to improvise, the more variation the greater the odds of finding fish.For the same type of fish the same location and with different flow conditions can be successful with a different style than before.
a. Fast Jerking 1:1, meaning that one-time lift the rod followed by a roll
b. Slow Jerking 1:2, meaning that one-time lift the rod followed by two coils
c. Long Jerking 1:3, meaning that one-time lift the rod followed by three reels
Drag settings are usually adjusted with the tools and targets sought. For fish such as
Amberjack, Dog Tooth Tuna Yellow Fin Tuna or the drag is too tight (> 7kg) will rapidly deplete
angler effort and stamina. Simply be set 5-7 kg, because the usage is very risky with a high drag
rod breakage. Try to fight at any height position rod no more than 60 degrees.
(Various sources)


To become a true jigger, there are various stages to be bypassed. But all these thingsreturn to you as well. When the fast in learning, then it does not need too complicated to follow many theories about jigging. Well, here's some initial steps:
1. Have faith and spirit. Many facts that can be seen from the jigger true, namely the consistency that does not fade. Typically, as we know, many do not succeed in a certainfishing technique is not as painstaking in his way and boost weight. Since there are no fishstrikes, eventually his conviction had already been struck so lazy ... hehe ..
2. Select Tools Fishing The Sip. You must select from the fishing rod pole. Take a fishing pole that has a balance function tackles, meaning there is a balance between heavy metaljigs - rods - fishing reel. Read the description on the rod / rod you buy. For spinning reel, measure the capacity of kenur / strings pole.
3. Application Tool Light and Medium.
• The depth of 00-40 meters
• Target: Fish snapper, grouper, Trevally.
• Heavy metal jigs 60-100 grams.
• Size of Reel 4000-6000
• Jigging rod PE1-3 class
• Leader / Lider 40 lbs, length of 2 meters.
• Use the hook assists the diameter of the metal is thin and slightly protruding tip of the hook eye.
• 3.5 kg Drag strike a strike position and drag a maximum of 5 kg.
4. Apliaksi Tools Middle Class & Weight:
• The depth of 50 meters more.
• Target Fish: Tuna.
• Heavy Metal Jig 200 grams - 400 grams.
• The size of at least 8000 Reel with aluminum body and rotor.
• Line 6-8 PE
• Shock Leader 100 lbs
• Set the drag as the position of 7 kg and 10 kg as the strike drag position killer.
• For the heavyweight tools, reel, rod and kenur select a more heavy duty.



Cork ... .. is one of the freshwater predators. These fish prey on small fish and even her own daughter could be in so. Not just a small fish, insect predators also cork cork even large-sized fish can also eat ducklings. How to fish fishing cork can by using the fishing rod with a length tegeg 5 to 7 meters. Way of fishing with tegeg is usually in use by anglers who are looking for locations in the area of rice fields and swamps. But if my opinion is more suitable in use in the fields because it is easier for us to reach the location in which if there are fish. Fishing in this way can use the child as umpanya frogs. But make no mistake ... .. usually in addition to fish cork, boy frog is a favorite food of snakes. So be careful ... do not let you be the snake. Personal experience ... ... ... ..
The first way that I normally use is;
    1. prepare a rod with a length of about 7 meters
    2. strings are in use approximately one meter shorter than the rod
    3. buffers on the thighs
    4. bait
    5. large barb
oakai my usual bait for fishing cork in this way is a small frog. The trick is;
    1. associate frog on the hook
    2. throw bait to localized the target
    3. motion-rod movement. Tujuanya is to seek the attention of fish.
Fish cork is usually interested in the movements that occur on the water. And if you're lucky, the fish would jump at the frog cork that had we associate on the hook. Maknyuslah pokonya fish tarikanya cork it ... ... ... ....
The second way that I normally use is to use reelan. The way I use this often when I mencing to locations such as reservoirs and water in the river. Bait that I normally use is a caterpillar. Cilung can use banana leaves or caterpillars as well. Sometimes I also use saplings goldfish. But again have to deal with the snake as a predator of both than cork. So the bait on this one I rarely use.
Persiapanya is;
    1. rod with a length of about 1 to 1.5 meters
    2. medium-sized strings
    3. buoy
    4. ballast / small tin
    5. bait ....
Cilung If we can get in stores fishing anywhere. This is one of my favorite type of fishing. Hunting of wild fish for me is more fun than I had to come to fishing.
The trick is;
    1. setting up a float buoy approximately asleep
    2. after the bait is attached and then throw the bait into the river or to a location near the water plant
    3. let the rod work itself attract the attention of fish
    4. different from the way first, the second is likely to require a quiet atmosphere.
    5. if the meal, usually immediately submerged buoy and hold on the pull to the bottom. There are also buoys up and moving forward but there is no movement up and down like a goldfish at the moment take the bait.
Fish usually play cork in the bottom ... .. but if there is a movement that attracted their concern for him he will move and grab. In swamps or rivers that much kale or other aquatic plants, fish cork often we find that jumps to grab insects that exist in the leaf. Good luck for those of you who have never felt the sensation of fishing cork ... ... ... ... ..


Kingpin estuary is one of the best fishing locations visited by many anglers from jakarta and the surrounding area kingpin Estuary is located on the north coast jakarta district and directly adjacent to the northern Jakarta.One of the largest estuary there is a flag estuary. Estuary is the estuary of the river Citarum flag that has a width of about 100 meters with a depth of approximately 2 to 4 meters.

Many of the locations we can go fishing in the estuary kingpin. The target was all kinds ... .. there is a fishing estuary fishing, ponds, and also rawa.tp for fishing enthusiasts fish in the swamp please be careful because there are many wild animals like snakes, and monkeys binyawak.
At night usually most people are fishing in the estuary with the target fish and shrimp. For those of you who like fishing there can be day or night due to estuaries leader of anglers never deserted either day or night. For those of you who carry either motor vehicles or cars also need not worry as soon as we get many locations that provide day care services as well as rental motor boats for fishing. In rented boats can be used to ketengah sea fishing and there is also for shrimp fishing. Boats used for fishing shrimp smaller size, because only in use in the river.
But one thing to note is for those of you who wish to night fishing should look at the moon. Because usually when the moon is in a state full of fish is rather difficult. But if the moon is in a state smaller fish are usually much more .. so do not let one ... ....
One time me and my friends all night fishing estuary ... estuary flag kingpin precisely. The target is a fish kropak if people there say. Any bait that I use all sorts .... There are shrimp, oysters bakwan blood and tempeh. The biggest fish I ever get is kropak fish weighing about 10 kg. is tolerable for the size of estuarine fish. If you are lucky there is usually also the snapper at the sea water began tide. Because if fishing in the estuary is the tidal effect on the fish that we can get.