

Cork ... .. is one of the freshwater predators. These fish prey on small fish and even her own daughter could be in so. Not just a small fish, insect predators also cork cork even large-sized fish can also eat ducklings. How to fish fishing cork can by using the fishing rod with a length tegeg 5 to 7 meters. Way of fishing with tegeg is usually in use by anglers who are looking for locations in the area of rice fields and swamps. But if my opinion is more suitable in use in the fields because it is easier for us to reach the location in which if there are fish. Fishing in this way can use the child as umpanya frogs. But make no mistake ... .. usually in addition to fish cork, boy frog is a favorite food of snakes. So be careful ... do not let you be the snake. Personal experience ... ... ... ..
The first way that I normally use is;
    1. prepare a rod with a length of about 7 meters
    2. strings are in use approximately one meter shorter than the rod
    3. buffers on the thighs
    4. bait
    5. large barb
oakai my usual bait for fishing cork in this way is a small frog. The trick is;
    1. associate frog on the hook
    2. throw bait to localized the target
    3. motion-rod movement. Tujuanya is to seek the attention of fish.
Fish cork is usually interested in the movements that occur on the water. And if you're lucky, the fish would jump at the frog cork that had we associate on the hook. Maknyuslah pokonya fish tarikanya cork it ... ... ... ....
The second way that I normally use is to use reelan. The way I use this often when I mencing to locations such as reservoirs and water in the river. Bait that I normally use is a caterpillar. Cilung can use banana leaves or caterpillars as well. Sometimes I also use saplings goldfish. But again have to deal with the snake as a predator of both than cork. So the bait on this one I rarely use.
Persiapanya is;
    1. rod with a length of about 1 to 1.5 meters
    2. medium-sized strings
    3. buoy
    4. ballast / small tin
    5. bait ....
Cilung If we can get in stores fishing anywhere. This is one of my favorite type of fishing. Hunting of wild fish for me is more fun than I had to come to fishing.
The trick is;
    1. setting up a float buoy approximately asleep
    2. after the bait is attached and then throw the bait into the river or to a location near the water plant
    3. let the rod work itself attract the attention of fish
    4. different from the way first, the second is likely to require a quiet atmosphere.
    5. if the meal, usually immediately submerged buoy and hold on the pull to the bottom. There are also buoys up and moving forward but there is no movement up and down like a goldfish at the moment take the bait.
Fish usually play cork in the bottom ... .. but if there is a movement that attracted their concern for him he will move and grab. In swamps or rivers that much kale or other aquatic plants, fish cork often we find that jumps to grab insects that exist in the leaf. Good luck for those of you who have never felt the sensation of fishing cork ... ... ... ... ..

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