

Pomfret is a kind of freshwater fish is very similar to the piranha. in comparison with other freshwater fish, pomfret is the fish most often make fishing line broke.
If the fish has noticed the teeth are large and also very sharp. So that should be on notice when the strings as pomfret fishing hook fastener. We recommend that you use for fishing neklin not easily break when he gets a strike.
Pomfret fish fishing is not difficult because the fish can eat anything. Can with worms, pellets, bakwan or with artificial bait. If you are a beginner to fishing pomfret do not worry about not being able to fish because these fish include the voracious fish. Pomfret fishing the same way with other fish fishing nothing special. Can use a float or it could be a fishing base. But most people pomfret fishing more often with the use of buoys as fish pomfret fish is not a basis. Can also use artificial bait. This technique is usually often in use in fishing ponds because if the fishing pond is easier to know where the fish position. We live bait fish to a position are or are skipped then pull back slowly so that the bait can be seen walking and attract the attention of fish. This technique might be more difficult if we try in wild places such as rivers and lakes. In rivers and lakes we can use a buoy or fishing with bottom fishing. Should look for locations that current is not too heavy or on the edge of the water but rather in that we are fishing in the river. Since pomfret most like to play in the water a little spin and current is not too heavy. But again I remind neklin use as a binder so that the hook is not easily broken string. Fish in the river is very wild ... .... With her sharp teeth to decide fishing is not difficult for fish on this one.
Good luck but be careful with sharp teeth ... .... Not feed in the meal, your fingers if the input into the water must be discharged in the dining ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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