

Maybe for some people fishing mujaer not something that is not challenging or fun because of the strike that he said we can not like fish, other freshwater fish. Especially when compared to marine fish ... ... surely lose. Very true ... .. fish do have an incredible sensation when he gets a strike. It takes effort and quality of the fishing line must also be taken into consideration if we want to sea fishing.
In the summer of freshwater fishing spots are usually a bit quiet in comparison with the rainy season. At that time I was with a friend decided to try to spot fish in the lake pasiraya tilapia. Here, if the summer angler is not too much in comparison with the rainy season.Because in summer the water receded so more fishing spots for tilapia fish more difficult.Here we can be fishing in two ways, namely by using a float or by way of the basic fishing. I decided to base because of the time fishing locations that I chose the water is shallow.After setting pole finished I immediately throw the bait and strike while waiting for my set up tents that I have at the ready from home. The target is tilapia fish seedling. So I just took a worm as bait ... ... .. if this summer is usually people fishing mujaer children.
About an hour I was fishing just a few tail just that I can get. also annoyed hell ... ... .. already too hot, can not ....... Finally my friend and I decided to go home, although not successfully be able to fish. when I'm after finish my fishing line one by one turns out there is not one of my fishing rod in the clean up got a strike ... .. I immediately grabbed my rod and turns tilapia weighing approximately 2 kg of work I get. Finally, fishing-rod that had been in settle back in pairs because the spirits return after a strike of tilapia that had made me and my friend was surprised because they do not believe that I got was quite large. Luckily I did not break strings .... But the hook almost straight because I use a small hook. The heat that had stung the skin so it feels after a couple of times finally got a strike of mujaer-mujaer large. That's the great lake of sand ... ... always have a story every time I come there.

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