
Rabbitfish fishing from boats

Rabbitfish fishing from boats is not popular and more difficult than fishing from the pier or ngoyor rabbitfish. One challenge is the waves that never make the ship still makes fishing more difficult to observe the movement of a float and also when going to fight.
Understanding this technique is very important that when the spot rabbitfish extensive shallow reefs such as Pari Island, which will be inconvenient if lured by ngoyor, you can still raise the rabbitfish. Here are tips from one of a fairly seasoned anglers baronang Ikshan "Ichang" Setianto.
• Tie the vessel (anchoring) with front-rear direction of the ship followed the direction of the wind. Baronang spot position on the right side / left the ship with distance along tegeg size (3-6 meters). Try using the front and rear anchor to the ship's position has not changed (moves) from its original position.
• Set anglers comfortable position (not tilted stable / less shake) so easy to outsmart if successful strike / fight and lift the fish into the boat.
• Prepare support equipment to release the fish quickly and safely (cloth or gloves) also clamp pliers.
• Bomb spot rabbitfish using bait bomb that had been prepared previously (rice, moss, barnacles, mussels, rebon, peeled shrimp, etc.).
• Fishing rabbitfish can use the float technique dye (floating / floating) or buoys hanging techniques. Buoy immersion technique is relatively easier than hanging a float technique because it is not so affected by the sway of the ship at any time.
• If using a float immersion technique, observe any unusual movements in addition to buoys buoy motion as the waves swept away (vibrating float on the water or even sunk so straight bait fish eaten). Use a special float bags that are usually larger and more oval and lighter.
• If using a float technique depends, again more carefully observe any suspicious movement of a float (not always) because a float is always a good move it from swaying vessel (buoy moves vertically up and down) or due to wind (buoy moves left-right horizontal front and back). Buoy motion time must be different bait fish eaten by the movement of ships and buoys from swaying in the breeze.
• Do not ragu2 to menggentak tegeg so there is suspicious movement (not unusual).The basic principle of the GGB fishing rabbitfish (Gentak not Pay) is still qualified to be proven fishing techniques from the ship. Baronang anglers typically are "missed" because the bait has been eaten by the fish out first without a chance to detect vibrations that occur buoy. Because Darui rabbitfish fishing boat more difficult, GGB principle should be more frequently practiced.
• If a spot has been tried for some time and is unlikely to show "tanda2 life", do not ragu2 to move another spot that might be more potent.
• Finally, prepare all the logistics needs (food, drinks, etc.) for the anglers that did not "neglected" (hunger & thirst) while enjoying the show boat together fishing "challenging" it.

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