

One of the occupants Kalimalang in jakarta is Tawes fish. Besides nileum and Achilles, the most widely Tawes fish we encounter in Kalimalang. Water conditions are very well preserved and not exposed to waste makes these fish thrive in nature.
Fishing Tawes in Kalimalang preferably by way of the basic fishing. Because it flows in Kalimalang also quite heavy and does not allow us to fishing with a float. . During the rainy season began arriving, we can see many anglers who started hunting at Kalimalang Tawes. Even at night I still see there is a fishing town along the Kalimalang in jakarta. I am also interested in and curious about exactly what kind of fishing Tawes sensation here.
Eventually me and a friend decided to try fishing spots in Kalimalang. I tried fishing in the area with a meeting between Kalimalang Citarum karawang area. . Here I tried fishing with bait algae. The current is swift enough for the water that flows through the river of Kalimalang Citarum using pipes. I use a float with the aim that these algae remain in the surface and into fish meal Tawes who like to play in the water rapids. In Kalimalang is a lot of algae growing wild by the fish enjoy doing so in Tawes. And even this one trick I managed to get Tawes fish with a large size.
The second one I use worms as bait. The trick is to use the strings are wrapped around or use a small wire with the provided holes on the edges. Tujuanya is to facilitate the worms enter the eye of the hook up to the strings. Enter the string or wire that had been wrapped around the body of worms from head to tail. Then attach the hook to the hole at the end of the string or wire which we prepared earlier and then move the worm to hook up to the strings. With worm bait is usually more preferred by the fish in the heights.
Or Tawes with a smaller size in comparison with the algae that feed only on fish preferred by Tawes with a larger size. . To note also that we use a hook size not too big. Tujuanya is to facilitate the transfer of worms from the wire to the hook eye.
The third one I use the bait of instant noodles with egg mixture. Tawes also like this type of bait. Just by using a worm, you should use a small hook. Because we are fishing in the rapids, you should use a trick in order to feed our instant noodles do not fall off easily swept away. Setting the hook fishing line with four parallel and use the fiber glass cover on it as bait so that the bait is drifting. So the four bait we had everything under glass fiber and between adjacent with each other. The second and third ways are different from the first. If the first we use a float to the bait stay on the surface. While the second and third ways are we fishing by bottom fishing.

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