

Papuyu  fish or live in freshwater and brackish. This fish is a lot of us have encountered in the swamps and rivers. How to fish for this species is very simple because it does not use a reel and just need the string with a length of about 1 to 1.5 meters.Fishing gear in use is usually a length of between 2 to 4 meters. The best time for papuyu fishing is at the beginning of the rainy season because at this time the fish are usually just beginning to spawn. When it entered the mid-rainy season usually fish have started to incubate her eggs. Her children is what will be annoying at the time of our fishing because it is usually the parent will lose quickly with their children during foraging.The best spot for fishing fish species is the marsh and in the meetings between saltwater and freshwater or brackish water. Especially if there are nearby fish ponds are still many in tumbuhi wild algae and lotus. Hhhmmmm ... ... this is my favorite place when it's hunting papuyu fish. papuyu fish are omnivorous fish species so do not confuse the issue if we're going fishing bait fish. But the most good for fishing these fish usually use cilung or sago worm that many are sold in stores throughout Indonesia fishing. Can also use earthworms and insects as well. papuyu fishing unlike other fish because we do not have to wait long to get a strike. This fish usually lives in groups. Hence the people fishing these fish are always biased to move where the goal is to find a new one after a shoal of fish from the previous location in a sense has begun to slow. In each location we normally biased earn between one to five fish and after that it will begin to slow. The best time for fishing this fish is a morning and afternoon. Try to feel the sensation of papuyu fishing... ... when my friend told me the pull of the fish papuyu can make people so suffer a heart attack.

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