

Almost the same as pangasius catfish. Lele many we encounter in rivers and swamps. If we're going fishing with a float there are some things that need to be noticed;
              1. setting fishing rod should be made ​​so that the hook is under the ballast.
              2. setting a float to be adjusted with the depth of water in order to keep the   bait to the bottom
              3. Do not use strings that are too large
              4. after throwing bait in order to make the strings a little loose or too tight
slightly different way of eating catfish. not too aggressive when grabbing the bait.
  If you get a strike usually buoy will move and slowly float will sink and continue to carry. If we base a bolt of catfish fishing is very different from other fish. For those who frequent the river fishing will definitely be able to distinguish between direct lightning catfish with other fish. Now this catfish is also gaining popularity as an object in fishing. Bait is much in useby anglers for catfish is usually worms, crickets and some are using the chicken's headwhen he joined the race.

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