

At that time I again casually fishing in the river near the house. Around 2 pm I went fishing while listening to music and sit back under the bridge. At that time the rainy season is still in post-flood conditions. It's known my residence is near the coast and on the riverbank when the rainy season would be flooded.
River water is still dirty brown but since that day there was no fishing event I finally came out into the river fishing. After several throws no strike ... .. I got bored and thought maybe the fish was gone when floods swept away yesterday. But among the pillars supporting the bridge a lot of garbage mounds that are not washed away because it was blocked by the bridge pillars. Something caught my attention among the waste. There are small gaps between the garbage that form the hole in between trash and poles. Once I noticed it on one side of the pole there is a movement of fish.
At first I thought it was fish brooms. I do not care about the importance of fish in my heart saying half-despair. After installing the bait and then I input the feed into the gaps that exist in between garbage and after waiting some time later I saw my rod tip starts to move. I happened to fishing by using a length of 4.5 meters tegeg and strings about 1 meter.
. As soon as I saw langsuung I hold my fishing rod and bait I was transported to wait some more (as he anxiously hope that eating fish instead of brooms) in my immediate right when the beat of my rod and my fishing rod was not able to lift loads of fish weighing it. Catfish weighing approximately 1.5 kg. I managed to get and this really makes me very surprised because I never thought would be able to fish like this. . Finally, until about 4 o'clock I can 3 tails of the same size. With a satisfied smile I came back with a fish that is not my target time to leave.
Apparently not all the post-flood swept away the fish. There are still fish are left with the rubbish left behind under the bridge.

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