

Jakarta District is divided into two areas. South and north. South is more in focus for industrial development, while the north is only for agriculture alone. In an area adjacent to the district karawang, is an area that most of its territory is paddy. With the main source of livelihood of local people are farmers.
Among the rice fields were numerous swamps are very extensive and too muddy. With waist-deep mud reached an adult. Among the swamp there is one very famous swamp with the mythical story of the bride swamp. Less clear why the marsh is at swamp called the bride. The water never dry during the dry season even though the water in the swamp is still can be a source of irrigation for farmers in the surrounding communities to irrigate the fields.
Its location is quite far from residential area and not accessible by motor vehicle to make this place rarely visited by the angler. If anything they have to walk about an hour from the township. Fish cork, Sepat siam, pomfret, catfish and almost all freshwater fish here. Quite interesting indeed if we are a fan of fishing freshwater fish.
According to local story, in this swamp there is a pair of cork fish are always moving side by side around the swamp. . Believe it or not I also have never seen it. But according to the local communities of fish cork which is the ruler in this swamp. Maybe this is what makes this marsh in swamp called the bride.
There are some things that should not be done in this swamp. One is when we find a pair of fish is best cork, do not bother him much less trying to catch it.
The second is to allow fishing is not in on Friday. Once there was a true story about a fisherman who had come from far away to know what kind of bride are often swamp the talk among anglers in the area. He arrived on Friday with carrying a bag of fishing rods and equipment. By local residents already warned not to go fishing on Friday let alone by himself. But he's still desperate to leave alone even have to walk a short distance away.
Arriving at the location of the person directly preparing the equipment pole. After a while he waited for no one ekorpun fish that managed to get him. Until finally he too gave a start when he saw one pelampungnya moving and keep moving until it finally floats sink and he was immediately grabbed pole as soon as possible.
It turned out that a fish is reeled in his line of cork. But rather than ordinary cork that he can, when the fish began to rise to the surface, the size of the fish slowly became larger and keep growing until eventually the fisherman trying to prey on them. And he ran and ran as quickly as possible without regard to fishing-pole. Until he fell unconscious after arriving in the township. Finally, by the people around that person in escorted home in a state of semi-conscious and too weak with fear and exhaustion after running scared. Once at his house and then telling the person he had just experienced, and ultimately he believed that the swamp is indeed not be indiscriminate.
That was one story about the bride swamp. Believe it or not, that's the story of the swamp bride. If you want to try it and just come straight and feel the mystical aura that exist in this swamp.


One of the occupants Kalimalang in jakarta is Tawes fish. Besides nileum and Achilles, the most widely Tawes fish we encounter in Kalimalang. Water conditions are very well preserved and not exposed to waste makes these fish thrive in nature.
Fishing Tawes in Kalimalang preferably by way of the basic fishing. Because it flows in Kalimalang also quite heavy and does not allow us to fishing with a float. . During the rainy season began arriving, we can see many anglers who started hunting at Kalimalang Tawes. Even at night I still see there is a fishing town along the Kalimalang in jakarta. I am also interested in and curious about exactly what kind of fishing Tawes sensation here.
Eventually me and a friend decided to try fishing spots in Kalimalang. I tried fishing in the area with a meeting between Kalimalang Citarum karawang area. . Here I tried fishing with bait algae. The current is swift enough for the water that flows through the river of Kalimalang Citarum using pipes. I use a float with the aim that these algae remain in the surface and into fish meal Tawes who like to play in the water rapids. In Kalimalang is a lot of algae growing wild by the fish enjoy doing so in Tawes. And even this one trick I managed to get Tawes fish with a large size.
The second one I use worms as bait. The trick is to use the strings are wrapped around or use a small wire with the provided holes on the edges. Tujuanya is to facilitate the worms enter the eye of the hook up to the strings. Enter the string or wire that had been wrapped around the body of worms from head to tail. Then attach the hook to the hole at the end of the string or wire which we prepared earlier and then move the worm to hook up to the strings. With worm bait is usually more preferred by the fish in the heights.
Or Tawes with a smaller size in comparison with the algae that feed only on fish preferred by Tawes with a larger size. . To note also that we use a hook size not too big. Tujuanya is to facilitate the transfer of worms from the wire to the hook eye.
The third one I use the bait of instant noodles with egg mixture. Tawes also like this type of bait. Just by using a worm, you should use a small hook. Because we are fishing in the rapids, you should use a trick in order to feed our instant noodles do not fall off easily swept away. Setting the hook fishing line with four parallel and use the fiber glass cover on it as bait so that the bait is drifting. So the four bait we had everything under glass fiber and between adjacent with each other. The second and third ways are different from the first. If the first we use a float to the bait stay on the surface. While the second and third ways are we fishing by bottom fishing.


There are several types of fish that exist in Indonesia. One is black snapper.
Black snapper is one of the saltwater predators. Can live in the sea and many also we encounter in milkfish ponds or shrimp. In coastal areas karawang many anglers who deliberately come to hunt snapper. . Because these fish do have a tremendous bolt of sensation. Hunting common snapper done at night because these fish more active at night. This fish is the main enemy of the owners of the pond because the fish can eat the seeds of a new fish or shrimp in the plant.
Before contaminated waste, Citarum was the most comfortable and exciting to hunt for snapper. . But now after the industry began to flourish in karawang there is no more story Citarum fishing in the river could be snapper. Now if we want to look for black snapper only can we find in the ocean or pond that has a basic structure such as mud and sand on the north coast karawang. In ponds usually anglers using live shrimp or fish as bait blanak. Because at night shrimps it will look on the eyes light up. We recommend using our fishing buoys at night with the aim that the shrimp can freely move. Do not forget to bring the starlight of course if we do not want to lose track.
Karawang coastal areas and jakarta is a fertile place for snapper. Because along this coast in the underlying with mud and sand. Many anglers mania coming to this area to hunt estuarine fish such as snapper. At the fish auction often I come across black snapper, snapper with medium to large size when I bought shrimp for bait fishing. The fish comes from ponds in the area surrounding the affected trap pond owners or also from the results that are deliberately anglers fishing snapper with a view to the sale. There is no harm in trying the black snapper fishing in the pond. Can be made entertainment for the bored fishing at sea or in fishing.



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Jatiluhur really is a paradise of fresh water. Starting from the existing fish in captivity until the fish that exist in the wild can grow and develop very fertile. Naturally, because the water here is still very good and free from industrial waste and household waste. Water circulation of the three giant reservoirs in west Java is also very supportive to the development of fish here.
In jatiluhur there is a way of fishing for tilapia fish. In contrast to the usual I met in other places. Target and the same trick with another angler, only the equipment and how just a little difference. Here typically the angler to use equipment that seemed more simple and not too expensive.
Here, the angler uses only fiber that does not use a fishing rod reel. Only use wood for the rollers strings. Usually they use 5 to 6 fishing rod while fishing. . Then the rod-fishing in the flats in places that have been prepared by them from home. One fishing line using only one eye of the hook and the distance between the fishing line with one another were fishing near each other. On average they are fishing in a way glosor or bottom fishing. Very practical and simple but they can get the maximum results.

One disadvantage with this way is when we get a strike from a wild fish, other fishing-hooks can tangle and carried away because it is very close from each other. Bait commonly in use here is a worm paddies and moss. Also do not forget to bring the pellets to lure the fish gather in one location.
These passes may be obtained from the fishing location. Because along the road before the entrance to jatiluhur many merchants who sell worms and moss with a relatively cheap price. Like moss for example they sell only Rp. 10,000 for a tub of moss. And worms Rp.5000 for a package that is made of woven bamboo.


 Fishing plan to jatiluhur can finally happen. Although it was delayed one week because of work that can not be left behind. Departing from jakarta around 2 pm. By using an oldmotorcycle that is always faithful to accompany and drive me wherever I go. Apparently myfriend was waiting at the curb, and we also do not forget to shop for supplies in the neighborhood.
Once in the sense enough we also continue the journey. Sunny weather allowed us toaccelerate our motorcycle with maximum speed. Supported with good road conditions wecan be more quickly made
​​his until the time we've been targeting.
At 4 pm we finally reached the jatiluhur. But unfortunately our arrival at the welcome with a fairly heavy rain. . We parked the motor directly to the day care and short break while enjoying a cup of coffee while waiting for the rain to stop. About an hour we waited for the rain finally subsided as well. After the supplies in the sense enough and negotiations with the boat was our introduction had agreed finally went to the location by using a shuttle boatservice is always ready to serve passengers at any time.

Approximately 15 minutes drive from the edge of the lake to the location. We also directtransfer to the rafts can be rented that we occupy at any time with the rental price of Rp.5000 for a one-time fishing. Already there are some people fishing in there ... and weoccupy a raft in the middle of those people.
Not long after the pick the boat to people next to us came. And they were immediatelyafter finish his belongings and go home. We were alone and one more is on the right side of our raft. At last night's fishing in the beginning, although a little hesitant because of the equipment we had brought was different with people who had just left our home.






Pomfret is a kind of freshwater fish is very similar to the piranha. in comparison with other freshwater fish, pomfret is the fish most often make fishing line broke.
If the fish has noticed the teeth are large and also very sharp. So that should be on notice when the strings as pomfret fishing hook fastener. We recommend that you use for fishing neklin not easily break when he gets a strike.
Pomfret fish fishing is not difficult because the fish can eat anything. Can with worms, pellets, bakwan or with artificial bait. If you are a beginner to fishing pomfret do not worry about not being able to fish because these fish include the voracious fish. Pomfret fishing the same way with other fish fishing nothing special. Can use a float or it could be a fishing base. But most people pomfret fishing more often with the use of buoys as fish pomfret fish is not a basis. Can also use artificial bait. This technique is usually often in use in fishing ponds because if the fishing pond is easier to know where the fish position. We live bait fish to a position are or are skipped then pull back slowly so that the bait can be seen walking and attract the attention of fish. This technique might be more difficult if we try in wild places such as rivers and lakes. In rivers and lakes we can use a buoy or fishing with bottom fishing. Should look for locations that current is not too heavy or on the edge of the water but rather in that we are fishing in the river. Since pomfret most like to play in the water a little spin and current is not too heavy. But again I remind neklin use as a binder so that the hook is not easily broken string. Fish in the river is very wild ... .... With her sharp teeth to decide fishing is not difficult for fish on this one.
Good luck but be careful with sharp teeth ... .... Not feed in the meal, your fingers if the input into the water must be discharged in the dining ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Maybe for some people fishing mujaer not something that is not challenging or fun because of the strike that he said we can not like fish, other freshwater fish. Especially when compared to marine fish ... ... surely lose. Very true ... .. fish do have an incredible sensation when he gets a strike. It takes effort and quality of the fishing line must also be taken into consideration if we want to sea fishing.
In the summer of freshwater fishing spots are usually a bit quiet in comparison with the rainy season. At that time I was with a friend decided to try to spot fish in the lake pasiraya tilapia. Here, if the summer angler is not too much in comparison with the rainy season.Because in summer the water receded so more fishing spots for tilapia fish more difficult.Here we can be fishing in two ways, namely by using a float or by way of the basic fishing. I decided to base because of the time fishing locations that I chose the water is shallow.After setting pole finished I immediately throw the bait and strike while waiting for my set up tents that I have at the ready from home. The target is tilapia fish seedling. So I just took a worm as bait ... ... .. if this summer is usually people fishing mujaer children.
About an hour I was fishing just a few tail just that I can get. also annoyed hell ... ... .. already too hot, can not ....... Finally my friend and I decided to go home, although not successfully be able to fish. when I'm after finish my fishing line one by one turns out there is not one of my fishing rod in the clean up got a strike ... .. I immediately grabbed my rod and turns tilapia weighing approximately 2 kg of work I get. Finally, fishing-rod that had been in settle back in pairs because the spirits return after a strike of tilapia that had made me and my friend was surprised because they do not believe that I got was quite large. Luckily I did not break strings .... But the hook almost straight because I use a small hook. The heat that had stung the skin so it feels after a couple of times finally got a strike of mujaer-mujaer large. That's the great lake of sand ... ... always have a story every time I come there.



Pasiraya lake is an artificial lake located in the middle of residential area. Althoughlocated in the middle of residential area, the lake is very wide. Formerly this place wasvery crowded sand mining. After many years and finally this place is on leave granted by the owner and eventually became a vast lake. Now it became one of the very crowdedfishing spot in the jakarta. Day or night is never quiet mania of the anglers who come from surrounding areas. This place is now widely utilized by local people to be made inbreeding fish. there are lots of cages, floating cages along the side of the lake. Because it is the condition of the water is still pretty clean. The lake is located right in the middle of theresidential complex of sand lake road.
Due to the angler who never deserted make traders arrive and finally established as the market on one side of the lake which is the most strategic place for anglers and also people who sell. With a distance of approximately 30 miles from downtown jakarta or 5 kmfrom the industrial park lippo cikarang this place became one of the most crowded placesin the visited by the angler. Mujaer Fish is one of the most fish we can get it here but it is also carp and catfish. The average fish we can get here is between 0.5 kg to 1 kg. but if we're lucky there are also mujaer fish weighing up to 5 kg. So if you are the angler maniathere is no harm in trying to spot this one.


Jatiluhur is the largest reservoirs in west Java which was built in 1957. located in the district of noble teak approximately 9 miles from downtown Purwakarta western Java.     Here is one of the fishing spots in west Java which never deserted from the anglers mania.  Especially on Saturdays, usually a lot of anglers who came not only from the area around even many migrants from Jakarta and Bandung that come to spend the weekend at this place.
Jatiluhur with an area of ​​830 ha lake reach is certainly a place that is most convenient for freshwater fish. 
Here there are many types of fish such as catfish, mas, mujaer, Tawes and many more types of freshwater fish that can live here. Jatiluhur also has many tourist facilities such as waterboom, restaurants, hotels, bars that can be enjoyed by the visitors.For the angler mania jatiluhur indeed have a special attraction because here in addition to fishing we can also enjoy the sunset while enjoying the natural scenery around him.
Here also are many that provide rental services for the fishing boat into the middle of the lake or to go fishing spots that are not accessible by vehicle or on foot. 
In addition to boat a lot of the rafts that the rental for the angler with a relatively cheap price. We just come to the site and the owner of a rented raft would be happy to greet us. Most fish are being targeted here is mujaer fish because the fish was this one very fast development especially living in a location like this.

So .... For you the angler mania would not hurt you to try this one spot. 
Because here in addition to fishing can also be made as a means for a family vacation. Fishing while enjoying the sunset and the grilled fish is a different sensation because here we are fishing in the open with a beautiful panorama. . If we are fishing in the fishing may be used but a different story when we come here.