
The Beauty of Wakatobi National Park Spot Fishing

Theodoras boat is no longer open it's service on Makassar water. Therefore, Takabakang, Takarewataya and surrounding service have been closed permanently, the fish depleted due to too many illegal fishing activities like blasting and cyanide poisonning. Too bad...!

We moved Theodoras boat to a new fishing ground where we are considered to be the 1st and the only fishing operator on that area, named Wakatobi National Park. This place is located South to Southeast Sulawesi (Celebes) about 100nmiles away from Kendari, the capital city of Southeast Sulawesi province. Luckily the whole area is well protected by the local government and some NGOs like WWF and TNC. It's really2 a beautiful place, specially with it's diversity of marine lives which is the number one in the world. Wakatobi is the centre of the famous World Coral Triangle consists of many Southeast Asian countries like Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

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