
weekend at Karang bolong Anyer


kinds of bait for fishing in marine and freshwater

In Fishing, bait is the most important thing to note. Here are some bait techniques and explanations:
1. Texas Rig

 Bait technique means Texas will likely get a lot more bass than the other techniques. This technique proved superior when the fish are hiding in the closet, penetrating the murky terrain where only a few baits that are up to it. This possibility is the bait of the 'free hook' is never used, the technique used to pull the fish out of the dense vegetation, shrubs, under the pier and between the timber. Henjutan up and then lower slowly and paused before the thread is rolled back is the most effective way to attract fish.

2. Carolina Rig

 Carolina bait technique to be used for fishing for bass in shallow water and close to water plants, but more effective in deep water far from the area that was sealed by aquatic plants, such as border plants, on the edge of the hole and water plants. Try using a weight of brass from the tin to a loud sound when the wood or stone. Roll yarn / kenur by pulling slowly and for a few moments to touch base. Floating bait will swim up and down behind the ballast, while the bait sink will move quickly on the basics.
3. Drop-Shot Rig

 Although originally created for bass fishing, drop-shot technique is also able to catch other species of fish such as walleye and panfish. This technique is commonly used for fishing vertically under the boat and in deep water. The technique is to place a bait within certain of the base, so move it perfectly horizontal in the water. A very good application proved superior when used for fishing in a small area that can attract fish. Position the weight touched the bottom and shake the rod tip slowly to make the bait wobble. Both throwing and ngacar, let sit for a moment the bait as often as possible before shifting ballast several feet.
4. Wacking Rig
The technique is very simple bait-what you need is a hook and a soft bait, but can be comparable with the gold. This technique requires a soft bait that is not fitted with a ballast and simply attach the hook to penetrate the center of the bait. The presentation of this light will fall slowly on the edge of a shallow water plant and into the pockets. The best way to present this technique is to pull gently and let stand, which causes the bait folded, mengelepak, and vibrate when you fall down. Generally, straight and shaped soft bait length is used for this installation technique, but other shapes are also shown to be effective. Weight gain with this technique allows you to reach fish in deeper water. Also be tested using a float with this technique.
5. Rigging Soft Jerkbaits

Some anglers find it difficult to learn to install and fishing with soft baits. The right bait technique was critical to the movement of the bait that swims fast, random and unpredictable, as well as small fish used as bait-fish are very seductive bass and other game fish. Soft bait best used when fishing Jerks in the area covered by aquatic plants and there are holes or pockets, around docks, rocks and the area. This technique can be executed by the thread is slowly is accompanied with a tug to imitate small fish are frightened, or dikarau henjutan quickly with a lightning rod for the reaction.
6. Rig Jig

 Although many anglers who do not think this way, the jig is also a bonding technique that a grooved hooks and weights permanently molded by the end of the hook. Jig is the most famous bond that had been used in fishing. Jig can be paired with soft plastic lures many different shapes you can think of, including the form of worms, shrimp, pipe, pupae, lizards, and then adjust the size of the jig to balance the bait used. Throw a jig on the open water areas, mounds and certain points, or throw around a shallow water plants. Lambungkan jig up and down at the bottom or swim in the open. Experimenting with actions for which one is the best way for each of your situation.
7. Rigging a Tube
 Tubular lures are popular soft baits for over 25 years. It's hard to say whether a similar tubular bait is trying to imitate, but baits that can really be used for fishing. Tubular lures are very versatile and can be used for fishing with different actions and different ways to tie-like Carolina, Texas, and drop-shot rigs, can be used on a jig or a hook (either with or without weights), and even wacky style , or with a hook, jig, and that can vibrate ballast specially designed for bait-shaped pipe. Berbetuk bait can be used all year round pipe, but they feature lies in the demonstration when conditions are difficult, especially during spawning and when the water temperature gets a bit chilly in the fall. Throw this bait around the docks, water plants or shrubs that are covered with wood, use this bait to get through the slab and a stretch of water plants or fish are used for fishing by using a weight basis.
8. Float Rigs
 Traditionally, with a float fishing techniques always use live bait, while offering soft baits such as jigs mounted fake bait shaped cocoon with curly tails, leech or wacky-rigged worms can also be used in situations where the fish are feeding aggressively. One fruit may be soft bait to catch some fish, a big advantage compared to live bait needs to be replaced every time a fish or bait fish stolen. Soft baits can be mounted under the buoy or buoys attached die can move freely, allowing the bait depth can be adjusted by adjusting the float stopper. This is because the bait is usually likes to be in place covered, using a float technique is very effective for use in areas that are not so many aquatic plants, aquatic plants along the edges and on top of the mounds or shallow areas. Can also be used for fishing on rivers, river flows and meetings. Treat soft baits with action henjutan slowly and stop.
9. Spinner Rigs
Traditionally, with a spinner rig fishing techniques always use live bait, lures counterfeit software can also be used when the fish are in an aggressive or as a collection of small fish stealing the bait alive. Baits are stolen less often means less time to replace the bait and means more time for fishing.
(Various sources)


Rabbitfish fishing from boats

Rabbitfish fishing from boats is not popular and more difficult than fishing from the pier or ngoyor rabbitfish. One challenge is the waves that never make the ship still makes fishing more difficult to observe the movement of a float and also when going to fight.
Understanding this technique is very important that when the spot rabbitfish extensive shallow reefs such as Pari Island, which will be inconvenient if lured by ngoyor, you can still raise the rabbitfish. Here are tips from one of a fairly seasoned anglers baronang Ikshan "Ichang" Setianto.
• Tie the vessel (anchoring) with front-rear direction of the ship followed the direction of the wind. Baronang spot position on the right side / left the ship with distance along tegeg size (3-6 meters). Try using the front and rear anchor to the ship's position has not changed (moves) from its original position.
• Set anglers comfortable position (not tilted stable / less shake) so easy to outsmart if successful strike / fight and lift the fish into the boat.
• Prepare support equipment to release the fish quickly and safely (cloth or gloves) also clamp pliers.
• Bomb spot rabbitfish using bait bomb that had been prepared previously (rice, moss, barnacles, mussels, rebon, peeled shrimp, etc.).
• Fishing rabbitfish can use the float technique dye (floating / floating) or buoys hanging techniques. Buoy immersion technique is relatively easier than hanging a float technique because it is not so affected by the sway of the ship at any time.
• If using a float immersion technique, observe any unusual movements in addition to buoys buoy motion as the waves swept away (vibrating float on the water or even sunk so straight bait fish eaten). Use a special float bags that are usually larger and more oval and lighter.
• If using a float technique depends, again more carefully observe any suspicious movement of a float (not always) because a float is always a good move it from swaying vessel (buoy moves vertically up and down) or due to wind (buoy moves left-right horizontal front and back). Buoy motion time must be different bait fish eaten by the movement of ships and buoys from swaying in the breeze.
• Do not ragu2 to menggentak tegeg so there is suspicious movement (not unusual).The basic principle of the GGB fishing rabbitfish (Gentak not Pay) is still qualified to be proven fishing techniques from the ship. Baronang anglers typically are "missed" because the bait has been eaten by the fish out first without a chance to detect vibrations that occur buoy. Because Darui rabbitfish fishing boat more difficult, GGB principle should be more frequently practiced.
• If a spot has been tried for some time and is unlikely to show "tanda2 life", do not ragu2 to move another spot that might be more potent.
• Finally, prepare all the logistics needs (food, drinks, etc.) for the anglers that did not "neglected" (hunger & thirst) while enjoying the show boat together fishing "challenging" it.

Squid fishing with casting techniques

For squid fishing by using casting techniques, the things that need to be prepared in advance is a bait that is Capela. Prepare in advance Capela measuring 2.0 - 3.5. The small size is for small squid and large size too large for the squid. But multiply the size ofthe 2.5 because this mid-size mean that catches large and small squid.
If your squid fishing using small Capela though, there is the possibility of getting a largesquid. But it is sometimes rare, mainly due to frequent loss of the squid. Usually, it's just a matter of impatience.
Squid fishing takes patience was high. Because if you pull it hard and rough, it can escape from the tentacles of the squid is lost. So pull up slowly but steadily.
There's also a little more about this Capela bait, the weight and color problems. It would be great if the Capela GID-containing or phosphorus. For very good when done squidfishing at night. Do not forget to look for a type of deep, heavy alias.
For Squid Fishing Casting Techniques
Throw away Capela at the intended spot. Wait a few seconds to reach the approximatedepth of the base and pull gently. Occasionally genjotlah slowly and rarely to seekattention.
You can also do it like playing yoyo, especially when on the reef. If within 30 minutesthere is no attraction, then look for other locations.
Terms success for squid fishing casting techniques are necessary attention to the depth of 4-10 meters in the rock, the current is not too tight, rocky, clear water conditions.When you have to get a good spot, immediately lower the anchor and get dozens ofstrike.


fishing techniques in which many ships dock rests

Live shrimp: Buy shrimp-sized bear, do quite thrust a hook on the rear body of the shrimp, or slip a hook on one side of the shrimp until the end of the hook out. Fungsiya is that the shrimp is still alive, although in the water and can move, sehigga cause attraction to predators. These techniques typically use bait can be done with glosoran (keleman, heavy foundation) is thrown away, take a walk (walking slowly around the dock area) that the depth range of shrimp was approximately 1/2 to 1 meter from surface water, and left alone ( silenced) by using the tortoises, a distance equal to the depth that brought the streets earlier.
Shrimp die: Buy fresh shrimp alias not (white) pale, so that when thrown in water and not easily destroyed. The way is thus left his first skinned it, remove the head and skin. Put it quite easy, just insert the tip of the hook from the base of the head of the shrimp until sapai the base of the tail, so that the tip of the hook and we have not seen the shrimp mebikuti fishhook shape of all the alias entry into the body of the shrimp. If this way of fishing lures to use are adequate to glosoran (keleman, heavy foundation) is thrown away.
Kelelet: It's like a leech, but long like a worm, if she feels pressured to be spitting out thick, sticky mucus, but do not worry because this animal is not dangerous. The trick is quite simple, the first of the above Granted kelelet dry cloth (fabric up to the critical dry) and then before cutting into small pieces the size of a candy bar, cut the first part of his head so he immediately spitting mucus and you do not bother if he was spitting out the mucus, because kelelet mucus is issued only once and did not have a backup anymore. After you exit the mucus is then cut into small kelelet, then plug it on the hook. Fishing the same way that using dead shrimp.
Nener (milkfish seeds), zan-zan (such as blodok fish), fish seedlings gereh: How to pair kekailnya similar to our feed using live shrimp and sometimes there was a drove under the temple (above) until the fish eyeballs until translucent left right and do not expose the fish eye, because it will make the durability of these fish to live a little more. And how to bait him enough to take a walk (walking slowly around the dock area) with a depth range of shrimp was approximately less than 1/2 to 1 meter from surface water, and left alone (silenced) by using the tortoises, the depth range similar to those taken earlier streets.

Banyar fish: Bait this model takes the process to be used as bait. The trick is to separate the fish meat in the middle of thorns and dry for 3 days. After drying and then we'd stink cut into small pieces lengthwise. How to use and using the same bait shrimp that had been dead and kelelet already described.
For the circuit, usually when we use dead bait is the same as the circuit that we use while fishing for bass (with a range of approximately 3 and a weight hanging hook at the bottom itself), only the size of the hook eyes are deep-sea fishing is rather large, about about a 7 to 10 and using the weights of a large tin that are not swept away in the sea water. While those using live bait, only receipts 1 (one) eye of the hook just an 8 to 10 and add alternately wire (small wire that has been woven fibers) are usually sold in the bait shop, the size is adjusted to the eye of the hook. So how to install "strings linked rod alternating first and eye hook" if you need to use float (generation).